World Without End World Without End audio store
World Without End Ministry (Eph 3:21) Proclaiming the finished work of Yeshua
© World Without End Ministry since 2002 --- New Template for 2014
Study Materials - Two t-shirts are in the works
Artist: Berean Bible Church Title: The Olivet Discourse Description: Matthew 24 and 25 are the “heart” of New Testament prophecy. This is the Lord’s teaching on the times of the end. Looking at this text through first century glasses gives us a whole new meaning of Jesus’ words. 
Price: $30.00 Format: CD Delivery: 
Artist: Berean Bible Church Title: The Feasts of the Lord (mp3, text, video) Description: The first four feasts were a prophetic foreshadowing of the first coming of our Lord Jesus Christ while the last three was a prophetic foreshadowing of the second coming of Christ, but the question remains, “was all seven fulfilled or are we still waiting on the last three?”. Study to show yourself approved…be a Berean.
Price: $25.00 Format: CD Delivery: 
Artist: Berean Bible Church Title: The Paradigm Shift Description: An introduction study tool for those of you looking for a more accurate study upon what many today calls “The Second Coming.”
Price: $40.00 Format: CD Delivery: 
Artist: Berean Bible Church Title: Series Description:
Price: $0.00 Format: CD Delivery: 
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